Selasa, 30 November 2010

Simply brillant

Why She Buys Strategy Consumers

Why She Buys Strategy Consumers

This is a must read text. I had the privilege of attending one of Bridget's speaking engagements at my company and Bridget just blew the audience away. Funny but also very informative and in a way that everyone could relate to the "truths" about gender differences. So I just had to read the book when I saw it featured on ABC television. I picked it up 2 days ago and I just couldn't put it down. Fast read, very accessibly written. Bridget puts the science and art behind effectively understanding and marketing to the real economic force in the USA - the female consumer.

I have to admit that even as a Chief Marketing Officer at a Fortune 50 company, there is a lot that as a marketer I just had never fully understood about the physical, mental and emotional differences in gender that lead to very real, as revealed by Bridget, behaviorial realities. So much that can be immediately implemented to up the game of the marketer, as illustrated by examples that will make you laugh, but also really hit home important lessons.

I highly recommend the book. And if you ever have the opportunity to secure BRidget as a guest speaker, or get to one of her speaking engagements, you won't regret it.

Get your Why She Buys Strategy Consumers Now!

10 komentar:

  1. You might think if you are a woman and you're marketing to a women audience that you don't need this book. Nothing could be further than the truth! I've struggled for five years trying to figure out how to sell and market to the mom market. I tried reading Trillion Dollar Moms, but Why She Buys hit the nail on the head. Wow! There are so many wonderful insights and practical strategies you can use in this book. Bridget Brennan is real, unafraid to tell it like it is. She gives great examples of companies that are missing the mark, and wonderful case studies on companies that are doing a phenomenal job marketing and selling to women. You may think you should just make a pink version of your product, but it is so much deeper than that. Women are complex; believe me, I am one of them. But one thing is for sure. Once you figure out how to appeal to the female market, you will have them on fire for your product or service. If your product targets a women audience, or you want it to, you have to read this book first. Before you try and develop a marketing strategy on your own, let Bridget Brennan help. I thought I knew women before I read this book, but now I totally understand women as consumers.

  2. No one on the planet that has anything to do with sales, marketing or advertising should be allowed back to the office until reading this book over and over. What makes the information so helpful is that it approaches marketing from a totally new perspective. The basic theme of the book is that the gender of your audience will be the key factor in whether your marketing works or falls flat. The book lays out a eye-opening premise for all of this. Men are still running most businesses. Corporations do have women at the executive level, but ultimately men make the final decisions about the direction of the marketing. According to the book, however, women influence about 90% of all household buying decisions. So, the majority of marketing firepower (directed by men) is aimed at the consumer market which is mainly female. Well, you can see the problem. The book contains many case studies that show how sagging sales are turned around by changing the marketing message with gender in mind.
    This is the best marketing book since David Ogilvy wrote, "Ogilvy On Advertising."

  3. Thank you, Bridget Brennan. This book is like a gift with many gifts inside and much more than a marketing book. It's a quick, easy read considering all of the information in each chapter. Since reading it I am laughing out loud at tv commercials and other ads that 'don't get it' and appreciating those that do thanks to her insights. Both men and women will find Bridget's observations useful. Delivered with humor but backed up with solid evidence and examples from the business world, they pack a powerful punch. Thank you for connecting the dots in such an entertaining way. I learned more from reading this book than most books I've read in the past year - and every day have found a way to apply what I learned. So, thank you and I can't wait to see your next book!

  4. As a weary vetern of marketing who has sat in one too many meetings in which our target was described as "mom, income of $45,000 between 18 and 45", this book gave me hope that someone was really paying attention to the nuances that inspire women. I found it invaluable and it has already shaped how I look things and the beauty that is the female consumer! Strongly recommend for any marketing professional.

  5. I love this book. It is loaded with practical examples about the differences between men and women and ideas to leverage those differences to target female consumers. Brennan is at once a seasoned business pro and a master storyteller so her writing is not only fresh, relevant, and insightful, but also totally engaging and memorable. I retained so many helpful tips because she supports her well-researched assertions with vivid examples from the everyday life. Why She Buys is a serious and scholarly business book that is as entertaining as summer beach reading. If your business depends on female consumers this book is a must read for your entire staff. I plan to give copies of this book away at the office holiday party this year- it may be one of the few gift books that people actually read!

  6. I was struck by this quote from Bridget in Why She Buys - "Gender is the most powerful determinant of how a person views the world and everything in it. It's more powerful than age, income, race, or geography."

    Why She Buys deconstructs actual advertising campaigns so you can see them through the eyes of a woman. You'll find out specifically what persuaades women and what turns them off. The Lexus and Swiffer case studies are worth the price of the whole book.

    Bridget does a great job of combining research, case-studies and tapping into global trends to give you a road map for creating advertising to women that works. You'll never look at your own marketing efforts the same way again.

  7. Why She Buys is for men and women, sales people and advertising junkies, brand managers and retailers. While you think you might know who your target consumer is, you have no idea until you read Why She Buys by Bridget Brennan. So often we rely on consumer insights and decision trees to help us figure out how to push products and services, but Brennan has reminded us to take a step back from the data and understand our target's values, lifestyle and culture. With women making more than 80% of all purchasing decisions it is important for us to take a closer look at what is most important TO THEM when it comes to meeting the needs of women consumers.

    This book is so much more than just gender culture, this book is the inside scoop on everything your consumer wants to share with you, but hasn't had the opportunity. The reality is, if you're not reading this book your competitor is. As someone who is in the advertising industry who works with female-dominated categories and brands, this book is a 'must read' if you plan on differentiating yourself at shelf.

  8. This is a must read text. I had the privilege of attending one of Bridget's speaking engagements at my company and Bridget just blew the audience away. Funny but also very informative and in a way that everyone could relate to the "truths" about gender differences. So I just had to read the book when I saw it featured on ABC television. I picked it up 2 days ago and I just couldn't put it down. Fast read, very accessibly written. Bridget puts the science and art behind effectively understanding and marketing to the real economic force in the USA - the female consumer.

    I have to admit that even as a Chief Marketing Officer at a Fortune 50 company, there is a lot that as a marketer I just had never fully understood about the physical, mental and emotional differences in gender that lead to very real, as revealed by Bridget, behaviorial realities. So much that can be immediately implemented to up the game of the marketer, as illustrated by examples that will make you laugh, but also really hit home important lessons.

    I highly recommend the book. And if you ever have the opportunity to secure BRidget as a guest speaker, or get to one of her speaking engagements, you won't regret it.

  9. Bridget Brennan knows how to tell a compelling story. She knows how to bring facts to life in a manner that captures a reader's--at least this reader's--attention. From the book's initial story about a new car purchase (". . . the cupholders were comically inadequate--like tiny plastic crab claws") to its conclusion, Brennan's strong voice is surpassed only the her insights about women's buying behavior. She's able to take the mundane, "If a married man needs a new pair of socks, there's a decent chance his wife will be buying them," and help us understand its power and the implications thereof. A good and insightful read from a first-time author. I look forward to reading her second book.
